Do you keep seeing 11-11?
Author: Meaning
What do you think 1111 means if anything? Share your 11-11 story.
Tags: 11-11, 1111 meaning
Author: Meaning
What do you think 1111 means if anything? Share your 11-11 story.
Tags: 11-11, 1111 meaning
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April 8th, 2011 at 8:47 am
I started seeing 111 or 1111 when I was about 26. I saw the number everywhere I looked. At first no big deal right. But then in became very intense. I would see the number like 10 times in 4 minutes all over the place. It kind of got to the point of overwhelming because I knew it meant something but wasn’t sure. I mentioned it to my sister and she just looked at me and said “You realize that’s mommies birthday right. I thought for a minute and realized that she was right. So at that point the only connection that I was able to make was that my mother was somehow trying to let me know that she was around. Seven years later, After seeing the number at least 7 times a day, I ended up in the hospital with a very severe case of meningitis. I spent about 2 days on a ventilator in an induced coma, About an hour after the woke me up I remember looking up at the cieling and seeing Two hands poke through the cieling tile. They opened a gap in the tile and I saw a huge (about 12 inches around)emerge from the darkness of the drop cieling. It looked looked around the room, Stared right at me for a few seconds and withdrew back into the darkness. At that point the two hand drew togeather and retreated back into the Cieling tile. After I got out the hospital I began to remember this conversation I had with this really nice lady. I was at her house fixing her house and some how we got on the subject of religion and life in general. She felt comfortable enough with me that she told me the she was a light being and was able to leave her body. I didnt know what to make of it. I told her that I kept seeing 1111 eveywhere and wasent sure what that ment. She mentioned the word star seed and the conversation camt to an abrupt end. Any way I digress. To make a long story short I looked up the term star seed and sawe a link that said “have you had the 1111 experience”. My hairs on my arms and neck stood up. I clicked on it and found a whole bunch of info. I have done some research and it all leads me bact to illuminati and freemasonry. I read the old testament and started to realize that our government is not what we think it is. And all of this leads back to the illuminati and freemasonry. They have big plans. We are sheep and using us. The average pserson will work and never become wealthy. The sistem is set up like that for a reason. Another thing that dawned on me is the fact that gold has been revered for centuries for its lustre. But the real vale of gold lies in its conductive propertites. Im still trying to figure this out, and have lots of gaps, but I know that god definetly exists. I know that all of the mysticism surrounding the illuminati and masons revolves around Egypt. That would explain why we have a pyramid on our dollar. Im not sure what is going on but if anyone has any insight on this I am open to input. I feel kinda lost right now
November 18th, 2011 at 10:51 pm
I have just started researching some of the theories surrounding 11/11, I have been seeing the number more and more over the last few years or rather since my mother died which will be three years ago on 01.01.2012. Quite often I will glance up at the micro-wave clock in the kitchen and it will read 11.11. The other day I was walking along the road, I had headphones on so I could not hear my phone ringing but I had a strong compulsion to look at my phone, and the time was 11.11.
January 7th, 2012 at 4:01 pm
1111 was the day I accepted the Lord Jesus,i thought it was some lottery thing or something bad was gonna happen,finding him was the last thing on my mind that day.I saw that number for a few years before that happend since 2009.That day i wake up at 3:33 on the morning dreaming about a lady on a dragon,the whole day was crazy,and full of doubt and fear.but in the afternoon after work,i picked up the bible for no reason at all,since a have never care much about reading it,and after reading some verses and crying for a while i found my self on the floor asking for forgiveness and giving him control of my life.Everything is better now,i keep reading and doing his will and the blessings keep coming.SO THANK YOU JESUS FOR SAVING ME =)! …still don’t understand how he got me to that point,but i love His ways of doing it.maybe he used my curiousness .
April 22nd, 2012 at 3:06 am
The first time I heard 1111 was12/28/2005 when the doctor called my mothers time of death. I was laying in bed with her in her hospital room holding her and telling her it was ok to go, she had suffered so much in the last year with cancer that had spread every where. I felt her last breath and felt her leave and when the dr said 1111 time of death I knew at that very moment it meant something. The next morning leaving the funeral home I got into my car turned the key and the radio clock was 1111. That was the beginning and even before her burial it saw it every where and continue to as I write this. Today 4/21/2012 my 12 year old grand- daughter was telling me about her cat and said she woke her brother up and she said it was 1111. I have never told her anything about 1111. I believe God is sending messages to the 1111 people. I am asking all of you 1111 people to pray for healing for my grand-daugher. God will know who your prayers are for and why. Bless all of you.